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ATLAS core database

Chapter details

The ATLAS core database stores the definitions of the websites, created in a single domain, as well as the content items, managed through the ATALS CMS. The database consists of two schema:

  1. public - this schema contains "abstract" tables. A table from the other shema "extends" these abstract tables with columns, specific to a given functionalty. For examlple, the table "public.asbtr_proxy" defines the columns "uid", "inserted", "updated", "deleted"; the table "public.abstr_name_entity" defines the columns "name" and "description". Thus, a table "atlas.file" inhertis the columns from both "public.asbtr_proxy" and "public.abstr_name_entity" and adds two additional columns - "mime_type" and "size".
  2. atlas - the schema contains tables, used for describing the ATLAS web sites and storing the content definitions and items. ATLAS is implemented as a set of OSGi bundles which allows for an easy extension or replacement of a certain functionality. However, the relational database is not built of extensible or replaceable entities (tables) - there are relations between tables, such as foreign keys and triggers. Nevertheless, the database schema is designed in such way that the OSGi modularity is still maintained on the database level. For example, the different site widgets are stored in different tables. In this way, removing or extending a certain widget type does not affect the rest of the site widgets. The total number of tables in the "atlas" schema is 199 and we are not going to describe each table individually but will provide a list of prefixes, used to indicate the functionality for which a table is meant. The list below contains table prefixes and is sorted alphabetially.
    1. approval - the tables store the definitions of the content approval workflows;
    2. cat - the tables store the hierarchical categorization/tagging structures;
    3. ci - the tables store the system and content information of the content items in ATLAS.
      1. ci_history - the tables store information about changes, versions and revisions of the content items;
      2. ci_prop_value - the tables store the actual content of the content items;
      3. ci_relation_value - the tables store the relations between content items;
      4. ci_selection - the tables store the assignments between content items and the hand-picked selections;
    4. cm - the tables store the definitions of the content model in the current domain;
    5. datasource - the tables store the definitions of the the data filters used in the websites in the current domain;
    6. file - the tables store the metadata of the binary attachmnets, images, documents, etc... The actual content of the files is stored in a separate database;
    7. group - the tables store the definitions of user groups and the group access rights;
    8. lookup - the tables store the definitions of value sets, used in the content model and content items;
    9. otiv - the tables store the definitions of the content editing forms in the current domain;
    10. site - the tables store general information about the sites in the current domain. More detailed information is stored in the tables, straying with prefixes, listed below:
      1. site_alias - the tables store the shorter URLs of the pages in the websites, seen by the viewer;
      2. site_funct - the tables store the deifnitions of the additional site functionalities, such as search, user registration, text mining;
      3. site_map - the tables store the relations between the website pages and widgets;
      4. site_navigation - the tables store the definitions of the navigations used in the websites;
      5. site_otiv - the tables store definitions of content editing forms, available in the websites;
      6. site_page - the tables store definitions of the pages in the website;
      7. site_widget - the tables store definitions of the widgets in the website;
    11. theme - the table stores infomation about the themes that are available in the current domain;
    12. tm - the tables store information about the content items which has been processed by text mining tools, e.g. automatic cateorization, text mining status, etc...
    13. translation - the tables store tranlsations (manual and automatic) of lables, short and long texttual information used in the current domain.
    14. user - the tables store the definitions of users and the user access rights. The account information, associated with each domain, is stored in the ATLAS system database.